Half-Orcs [Ilkhan]

As darker races have encroached further upon the remaining settled areas, a recent mingling of Orcish and Human blood has been detected. Most members of this half-blooded race are distinctly more Orcish than Human in both appearance and behavior.

Though not as broad nor powerful as full-blood Orcs, Half-Orcs usually retain their wider bodies, longer, bowed limbs and heavier musculature. A ridged brow crowned by bushy eyebrows conceals small, squinting eyes. Below a snout-like nose opens a maw filled with crooked fangs. Their dark skin emanates a rancid odor and their presence disgusts civilized races.

Large and dull of wit, with broad bodies, their poor mental and physical dexterity is offset by an iron constitution. Though some have dabbled in the sorcerous arts due to their Human influence, brute combat is still the natural call, which stirs in the soul of the Half-Orc. All Half-Orcs have infravision, and most stand from six and a half to eight feet tall and average two hundred pounds. They are an altogether fearsome race.

Half-Orcs may follow the ways of the following classes:
Bladesinger Thief Vampire Warrior

Half-Orcs gain experience on a scale of normal rate * 0.94.

The Half-Orc Nation lies atop a mountain in the north, within the Barren Peaks.


updated March 27, 2003 by Linda

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